hinay internet

Hello Everyone!!I am Jelon II L. Billion but you can call me Jelon for short . I am a shy person and I find it difficult to interact with other people but now that I am 18 years of age, I am trying to overcome this shyness that I have in me. I am just doing it slowly/steady because I know that it is hard from the start.

My Guiding Principle in my life is the verse Proverbs 3:5-6, that says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."

How are you alike and different from the other?

I am the same as people that we are all sinners and nothing from this world but thanks to God, He sacrificed His Own Son just to save as sinners and all we have to do to be saved is to accept Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour of our life. We became different to each other because each of us have our calling that God wants us to do.

Enumerate your accomplishments, little or unimportant it may seem, which you and your family are proud of.

1. When I was in grade 6, it was my first time playing chess in meets and I was thankful to God that I've reached the Provincial Meet in my first time participating. 2. In my grade 7-8, I competed in many tournaments and I became the winner in all of the participants that ages from 13 and below and I am thankful to God. 3. In grade 9, I competed in the Palarong Pambansa and as always, I am very thankful to God that He gives me this talent and skills. 4. As I graduated in Senior High School, my family were very proud of it. I thank God for all the achievements that I have achieved.

What are your dreams and future plans?

For now, I don,t have a dream and just waiting for GOd's plan for me. But while I am waiting. I am now studying in college and I am currently taking the course Bachelor of Science in Computer Science because it involves the use of computer which is very needed nowadays and from the future.